Transformation of bodies, of the mind.
Transformation of physical, psychic and emotional materials.
At 25 yo, after a back injury, doctors advised me to stop dancing at the risk of becoming paralyzed.
I continued, I adapted, I transformed my dance and my way of moving, I accepted, it saved me. 20 years later I still dance.
Olé Khamchanla
How does the mind help the injured body to adapt, how can an emotion transform psychic and physical matters?
Between individuality and propagation, the metamorphoses of the body and mind are experienced alone and with others.
We are talking here about deconstructing or rebuilding oneself to find one's balance.
Ways of combat and adjustment that each person sets up with themselves and their environment.
This first part is also the ambition of a work of transmission and training in the choreographer's vocabulary to 6 dancers, who will be involved through the 3 parts of the triptych.
​With this theme of transformation, the choreographer wishes to visit, in a long journey, the metamorphoses at play and the paths of adaptation and resilience of human being in a social context, then in their environment and finaly in our intimacies :
· Transformations #1—2024/2025: stage play for 6 performers. Transformations of bodies and identities
· Transformations #2—2026/2027: piece for 4 or 5 dancers outdoors. Transformations of space and environment
· Transformations #3—2027/2028: duo for small spaces (rooms, apartments, kiosks, etc.) Intimate transformations​​
Choreographer: Olé Khamchanla
Dancers : Anthony Michelet, Aymeric Bichon, Clément Carre, Eva Aubigny, Flavien Esmieu, Mio Fusho.
Accomplice Dromaturge: Vanasay Khamphommala
Composer: Mathieu Vallet
Light creation: Stéphane Avenas & Olé Khamchanla
Costume creation: LychEE
Duration: 60 to 70 mins
From 12 years old
Production : KHAM company
Co-productions : Le Tangram National theater of Evreux (Fr), Le Phare National Choreographic Center (CCN) Le Havre (Fr), National Choreographic Development Center (CDCN) Pôle Sud in Strasbourg (Fr)
Residencies : Pôle Pik in Bron (Fr), Cie La Baraka / La Chapelle - Abou Lagraa & Nawal Aït Benalla (Fr), La Manufacture / Choreographic incubator in Aurillac (Fr), Le Tangram National theater of Evreux (Fr), Le Phare National Choreographic Center (CCN) Le Havre (Fr), National Choreographic Development Center (CDCN) Pôle Sud in Strasbourg (Fr)
Supports : Drac Auvergne Rhône Alpes, Auvergne Rhône Alpes Region, Department of Drôme, Fondation Haplotès
Photos : Axel Swann Poulsen
FEBRUARY 7 - PREMIERE at Le Tangram scène nationale Evreux (Fr)
FEBRUARY 1 week of residency at Le Tangram scène nationale Evreux (Fr)
JANUARY 1 week of residency at Pôle Sud National Choreographic Development Center of Strasbourg (Fr)
OCTOBER 1 week of residency at CCN Le Havre (Fr)
MAY 1 week of residency in Somarel Fr)
OCT/NOV 10 days - residency at La Manufacture d'Aurillac / Incubateur chorégraphique (Fr)
MAR/AVR 10 days- laboratoire at Cie La Baraka / La Chapelle - Abou Lagraa & Nawal Aït Benalla (Fr)
JANUARY 2 days - auditions
SEPTEMBER 5 days - residency research at Pôle Pik, Bron (Fr)
JULY 20 days - exploratory performance with LGBTQIA+ comunity, at Fanglao BlackBox, Laos
MAY 5 days - dance Khon labo, in Somarel (Fr)