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“ PROXIMITIES, focus on a vital feeling. How close are we to others and to our own nature? To what extent can distance still be a strength and a momentum to feel proximity more intensely? ”

Olé Khamchanla

In this piece, Olé Khamchanla questions human beings and their interactions with others.

In turn, he explores the closeness that is discovered in dances, at the crossroads of cultures, in relationships with oneself and with others. He transmits his unique and powerful dance to the three performers and incorporates classical ballet for the first time.

The show is built in three parts, each of which shows a possible proximity.

 The first is a duo that offers a space where dancers can confront and compare themselves in a codified dance between classical European ballet and traditional dances from South Asia.

The second is a solo, a look at oneself, at transformation, at gender. A crossing of the plural personalities with which we must all combine in our intimacy to move forward and meet the other.

Then appears the trio, strongly connected despite the anarchy of the spaces, the personalities confront and connect in a powerful and organic dance.

Creation 2022 in France

Duration: 70 min for the full version / 20 to 25 min per module

Artistic direction & Choreography: Olé Khamchanla

Dancers : Marie Pastorelli, Valeria Vellei, Manuel Molino

Composer : Mathieu Vallet 

Light creation: Michel Vendittelli

Costumes : LychEE

Images: Yanis Berty, Yanice Zidoun, Lisa Maty
Photographer: Laure Delhomme

Production: KHAM 
Co-productions: Auditorium Seynod, LUX Scène nationale de Valence, Tangram Scène nationale d'Evreux
Residencies: Auditorium Seynod, Lux Scène Nationale in Valence, Théâtre Nouvelle Génération in Lyon, Pôle Pik in Bron, Tangram Scène nationale d'Evreux, Train Théâtre in Porte les Valence
Institutional supports : Drac Auvergne Rhône Alpes, Auvergne Rhône Alpes Region, Department of Drôme

Creation Taiwan version in en 2024

Artistic direction & Choreographer : Olé Khamchanla

Dancers : Ai-Hsuan Chou, Jun-Yi Lin, Hsu Chan, Yu-ting Tseng, Wen-Ting Cheng

Music: Mathieu Vallet 

Light designe : Michel Vendittelli

light mananger : Yun-Hsiang Kuan

Costumes design : LychEE

Costumes : Chi-Fan Huang

Production : Lei Dance Theater

Residencies : Lei Dance Theater Studio

Supports : Institut Français de Paris, Want to Dance Festival (Taiwan)

Tournée Proximité




JULY   --------------5 au 26 - Version Taiwan - Festival Avignon Off x Centre Culturel de Taiwan _ Avignon (84) 

JUNE -------------- 20 au 22 - Version Taiwan - Hsinchu Theater _ Hsinchu (Taiwan) 4 représentations

JUNE ---------------------14, 15, 16 - Version Taiwan - National Theater _ Taichung (Taiwan)

JUNE --------------------- 01 - Version Taiwan - National Theater _ Taipei (Taiwan)

MAY  -------------- 31 - Version Taiwan - National Theater _ Taipei (Taiwan)


DECEMBER   --------------------- 1 - Taiwan Version – Taiwan Dance Platform _ Weiwuying (Taiwan)

NOVEMBER  --------------------- 30 - Taiwan Version – Taiwan Dance Platform _ Weiwuying (Taiwan)

APRIL -------------------- 19 & 20 - Taiwan Version – Festival Want to Dance _ Taipei (Taiwan)


NOVEMBER ------ 8 - Le Tangram Scène nationale - Evreux Louviers (Fr)

MARCH  -------------- 22 & 23 - LUX Scène nationale - Valence (Fr)

JANUARY  ---------- 11 - Auditorium de Seynod - Seynod (Fr)

Photos Proximité
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