Since its creation, the company has received support from the Department of Drôme which supports it for its operation and creation, from the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Region which accompanies it annually for its projects, as well as from the Ministry of Culture - DRAC Auvergne Rhône-Alpes.
In 2023 and 2024, the KHAM company receives support from the French Institute in Paris for its tour in Asia and repertory work transmission.
For these territorial projects and workshop with young people, the company works each year with LUX scene nationale of Valence and La Comédie de Valence, national dramatic center.
And for the creation projects, Le Tangram Scène Nationale d'Evreux supports its productions since 2022 and until 2026.
From 2015 to 2019, the KHAM company was welcomed as a territory resident by the Porte DrômArdèche Community of Communes (26).
The Kham company is associated with the laotian dance company Fanglao. With it, the choreographer co-directs the choreographic center built in Vientiane, Laos : BlackBox.
The FMK festival has received support from the French Institute of Laos since its creation, as well as many other NGOs and foreign embassies established in Laos, and also European Union (see Festival page).
It is networked with others festival in Asia to promote arts circulation and young choreographers : New Dance for Asia (NDA) festival in South Korea, Cont.Act contemporary dance Festival in Singapore, Want to Dance Festival in Taiwan and Odoru Akita festival in Japan