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Surprise or dream, this unexpected dance interlude, which on the rhythms of hip hop, buto and contemporary dances, interferes where one does not expect it. Awakening the curiosity, the choreographic intrusion invites discovery and encounter.
Choreographic Intrusion is a trio that is played in-situ, outdoors and indoors.
Three dancers adapt to their environment, interact with the audience and create a new dimension in multiple living spaces.

This creation project was born from a performance carried out in 2017 as part of a territorial artistic and cultural education agreement: a dance intervention in situ, initially thought as a mediation tool, convinced that the performance as close as possible to public facilitates a meeting.

Since 2023, this piece has been the subject of international transmission projects, particularly in Asia: a tool for transmission and training of local performers. It is partly recreated on site in order to integrate a greater number of performers and to promote their skills, whether they come from hip hop, contemporary or traditional dance from their country.

The piece has already been transmitted and adapted:

- in Laos, to 5 performers, in August 2023

- in Hong Kong, to 7 performers, in June 2024

- in Indonesia, to 5 performers, in October 2024.

Creation: 2020  (Performces in 2017)

Length : 32min

Artistic direction and choreography : Olé Khamchanla

Dancers : Cécilia Nguyen Van Long, David Walther, Jérôme Oussou or John Lo, Juliette Vieugeot, Yann Szuter

Music : Mathieu Vallet

Costumes : LychEE

Production: Compagnie KHAM 

Supports in 2017 : Communauté de Communes de Porte DrômArdèche

Supports in 2020 : Drac et Région Auvergne Rhône Alpes, Département de la Drôme, Pôle Pik à Bron, Lux SN Valence, Baron de Bayanne

Photos credits : Laure Delhomme, Kham

Laos version - 2023 :

Supports : Institut Français of Vientiane in Laos, BlackBox Vientiane Fanglao Dance Company

Hong Kong Version - june 2024 :

Supports : Consulat Français of Hong Kong and Macao, French May Arts Festival, Hong Kong Street Dance Development Alliance

Indonesia Version - october 2024 : 

Supports : Institut Français of Indonesia, Indonesian Dance Festival

Thai/Lao Version - march 2025 : 

Supports : BIPAM Bangkok International Peforming Arts Meeting

Tournée Intrusion




AUGUST ------- 28 july to 6 august CCAS Tous (6 to 8 performances) _ France

MARCH  -------------------- 14, 15 & 16 - Version Thai/Lao -  BIPAM Bangkok International Performing Arts Meeting_ Thailande


NOVEMBER ---- 4 & 5 Indonesian Version - Indonesian Dance Festival and Insitut Français_ Indonesia

JULY -------------------- 31 july to 6 august CCAS Tour (6 performances) _ France

JUNE --------------------14 au 16 -  Version Hong Kong – HK Street Dance Development Alliance _ Hong Kong (4 dates)​

JUNE -------------------- 5 au 9 – Version Française - French May Festival _ Hong Kong (6 dates)​

MAY --------------------- 4 au 12 - Version Française - French May Festival _ Hong Kong (8 dates)


DECEMBER ------- 14 - Lao Version - HouaXieng school for FMK Festival _ HouaXieng (Laos)

DECEMBER ------  8 - Lao Version - German Embassy for FMK Festival _ Vientiane (Laos)

NOVEMBER ------ 29 - Lao Version - National College of Arts France-Laos Festival IF Laos _ Vientiane (Laos)

NOVEMBER ------ 17 - Lao Version - National Culture Hall for France-Laos Festival IF Laos _ Vientiane (Laos)

APRIL ---------------------- 28 - Collège Europa à Montélimar / Lux SN Valence (26)



OCTOBER  --------- 1st - La Cartoucherie and Hospital - Valence (Fr) -  Outdoor

AUGUST  ------------ 23 - Discrit of Fontbarlettes - Valence (Fr) -  Outdoor

JULY ------------------------ 7 - Discrits of Polygone and Plan - Valence (Fr) - Outdoor

JULY ------------------------ 1 - Schools of P. Rigaud, P. Brossolette et J. Vallès - Valence (Fr) - Outdoor


OCTOBER --- 1er - La Cartoucherie - LUX SN Valence (26) - Plein air

OCTOBER --- 1er - Hôpital - LUX SN Valence (26) - Plein air

AUGUST  ----- 23 - Quartier de Fontbarlettes -  LUX SN Valence (26) - Plein air

JULY ------------------ 7 - Quartiers du Polygone - LUX SN Valence (26) - Plein air

JULY ----------------- 7 - Quartiers du Plan - LUX SN Valence (26) - Plein air

JULY ----------------- 1 - Ecole P. Rigaud  - LUX SN Valence (26) - Plein air

JULY ----------------- 1 - Ecole P. Brossolette - LUX SN Valence (26) - Plein air

JULY ----------------- 1 - Ecole J. Vallès - LUX SN Valence (26) - Plein air


OCTOBER  ---------- 21 - Centre Hospitalier - Valence (26) - Annulé à cause Covid19

OCTOBER  ---------- 20 - Lux Scène Nationale - Valence (26)

SEPTEMBER   -------18 - Baron de Bayanne - Alixan (26)


MAY   ----------------------- 27 - Collège F. Berthon - Saint Rambert d'Albon (26)

MARCH  ---------------- 27 - Lycée les Mandailles - Chateauneuf de Galaure (26)

FEBURARY ------------- 05 - Lycée Henri Laurens - St Vallier (26)

Photos Intrusion
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